LETTERS TO MY SERVICE DOG ... The link to my personal blog, WENDY-LAND, is listed at right.

04 September 2014

Just A Temporary Farewell

Dear Sophie,
Ten days you've been gone, and it feels like ten years.  I still cry every day and don't see the end of that anywhere in sight.  You can't imagine how much I miss you.
Where are you, Sophie?  Is there really a Rainbow Bridge?  Well, maybe it's not really called that but, yes, I believe there is.  The beautiful pictures we've all seen with the soft grass and pretty flowers and the cloudless sky and clear flowing streams ... I truly believe it's every bit as fresh, crisp, and brilliant, only a thousand times better than that!  And it's such a comfort to know in my heart that's where you are, alive and healthy and happier than you've ever been.
Your cancer took you so fast!  I guess that's a good thing, so your suffering wasn't dragged on and on, but I hardly got the chance to let your diagnosis sink in before you were taken away.
Actually, 'taken away' might be a poor choice of words.  When it was finally time for you to go, it took only a mere second or two and you were out of here!  There was no struggle, no fear, and no hesitation.  As I stroked your head and held your paw, something unexpected happened.  I could almost feel your spirit leaping out of this life and into the other side of eternity, leaving me wondering what you were seeing that was so amazing and exciting you couldn't wait to get there.
I know you're resting now, and you're at peace in such a glorious place my mind can't even conceive it, but you left a little piece of your heart here with me and, for that, I thank you.  And I thank God for allowing me to have such a beautiful friend in my life for so many years.  I still love you, dear Sophie, and I always will.
Rest easy, sweetie.  I'll see you in the morning!

And this concludes Dear Sophie.