How Do You Know?
Dear Sophie,
For the life of me, I can't figure out how you know there's a thunderstorm anywhere within 50 miles of home when there isn't a single sign of it anywhere close to us. You were just fine all day without a care in the world and then, all of a sudden, you wouldn't go outside and began pacing and panting, and the next thing we knew you had hightailed it into the bathroom and jumped into the bathtub. And while the East valley got soaked, we still haven't had any sign of anything here on the West side. No thunder, only a tiny bit of far-distant lightning, and not a drop of rain.
Your Thundershirt used to work so well and now it's only effective with a double dose of Storm Stress. Guess I'll be looking into some lavender oil for you. It's the only suggestion we haven't tried. It'll take you a while to sleep off the quiet-drops but, thankfully, you seem to be okay now ... until the rain catches up to us. Sigh!

Your Thundershirt used to work so well and now it's only effective with a double dose of Storm Stress. Guess I'll be looking into some lavender oil for you. It's the only suggestion we haven't tried. It'll take you a while to sleep off the quiet-drops but, thankfully, you seem to be okay now ... until the rain catches up to us. Sigh!