LETTERS TO MY SERVICE DOG ... The link to my personal blog, WENDY-LAND, is listed at right.

31 October 2012

A Special Christmas Gift

Dear Sophie,
It was supposed to be a Christmas gift, but there's no sense in waiting almost eight weeks for something you need right now.  Being in the throes of middle age creaks, aches, and pains, I totally relate to what you are most likely feeling yourself.  With your aging joints, the last thing you need is a lumpy bumpy dog bed in your crate.  So ... how do you like your new memory foam crate pad?
Guess you must like it pretty fine; you're in there so much I'm wondering if I even have a dog anymore.  Merry Early Christmas, sweetie!

21 October 2012

Another First

Dear Sophie,
Your first time in a dentist's office really surprised me.  We took Grandma in earlier this week to have her teeth cleaned, and we went back with her in case she needed to hear or remember anything important.
The whines and squeaks and growling of all the instruments and the up and down of the chair didn't phase you at all.  You hardly even seemed interested.
The hygenist sure did like you! 
You made friends right away.  That's the highest counter I've ever seen you put your paws up on.  You know when someone loves dogs, don't you?
Inside the exam room you were as good as gold, nary a move or an interest in what was going on.  I wish you were that cooperative when you get your own teeth cleaned!