Fun In St. Louis
Dear Sophie,
St. Louis was fun, wasn't it? You had quite a time just taking care of me, but you had your share of adventures too. Exploring the museum under the Arch with its Lewis & Clark exhibits, and those displays from the founding days of St. Louis, you indulged in the scents of old bison hides, hooves, and fur.
Had we a little more time, we might've gone up into the Arch but, by then, I was pretty wiped out so we went on back to the hotel to get ready for your third Irish Rovers concert. (I lost count of how many I've been to.)
You enjoyed the concert just as much as always ... you really like their music! But what you really loved most was the cuddle time with George and all the boys of the band who have gotten to know you pretty well over the years. And there was no doubt you sure remembered them!
"Where's George?" Someone was looking all over for him. And there you were set back from all the commotion, loving on him as though you knew he needed a hug. "I'm over here with the dog!" he hollered back. I'm already looking forward to the next concert, aren't you?
You just can't go to a zoo without ticking off an animal, can you? This time, at the St. Louis Zoo, it was an orangutan! At the glass of the enclosure, a baby was awestruck at this long-haired golden dog!
"Wooowww, what is that?" But the minute you got a little too close, that baby was gone! And then, here comes mama, the baby holding onto her for dear life. She was not happy!
Backhanding the glass wall, on her face and in her eyes she told you under no uncertain terms, "GET OUT!" There was no need to antagonize her so we ducked out and left her alone. With the sun so bright out and most of the exhibits outdoors, I didn't see all that much of the zoo, but I think you enjoyed being there in spite of being pretty disinterested with the whole thing ... until we got near the prairie dogs. Boy did you want one of those! You were spellbound! I think they were keeping an eye on you too. The massive hippo who came right up to the glass couldn't keep your attention, nor could the tigers, the bactrian camels, or the rhinos, but when a stray squirrel scampered across your path, you perked up and trembled with excitement! Oh, how you wanted that squirrel! I thought I'd fall over laughing.
I really had a good time with you, Sophie. You were absolutely indispensable, and I probably wouldn't have had nearly as much fun or been as safe without you. As always, thank you, Sophie. I'm so blessed to have you!
St. Louis was fun, wasn't it? You had quite a time just taking care of me, but you had your share of adventures too. Exploring the museum under the Arch with its Lewis & Clark exhibits, and those displays from the founding days of St. Louis, you indulged in the scents of old bison hides, hooves, and fur.

You just can't go to a zoo without ticking off an animal, can you? This time, at the St. Louis Zoo, it was an orangutan! At the glass of the enclosure, a baby was awestruck at this long-haired golden dog!

I really had a good time with you, Sophie. You were absolutely indispensable, and I probably wouldn't have had nearly as much fun or been as safe without you. As always, thank you, Sophie. I'm so blessed to have you!