Good Times, Good Friends, Good Dogs
Dear Sophie,
You've had one of the most wonderful weeks a dog ever had! It was back to San Jose to see Travis and Kasey for five whole days and you were in your glory!
A 737 is not exactly your favorite airplane but you did well and, just as I figured, the minute you got on board you wanted to look out the window. As we taxied on the tarmac, I finally satisfied a longtime curiosity about what you'd do if you were looking out the window on actual take-off. With your paws on my lap, you watched with wide eyes as this vehicle you were riding in actually left the ground!! The higher we went, the more your nails dug into my leg and actually left bruises! I don't know whether you were freaked or just awestruck at what you were seeing.
But then you settled in on the floor and slept through most of the rest of the flight. Finally we reached San Jose! A few minutes after we got to Kasey's, you stood by to receive your new play pal, their 11-week-old Great Dane puppy named ... get this ... Paxton's Amidalah Taken By Chance, or just Padmé for short. You've watched Star Wars with Andy & Joe a dozen times or more. Remember Padmé? Well, Padmé took one look at you and yelped, "Holey cow, what the heck is that?!" I think she knew you were a dog but you sure didn't look like anything she had ever seen before! In just a few minutes, though, and were romping and playing together like old buddies. Honest to Pat, you had more exercise and playtime in those five days than you usually get in a month in Phoenix. Maybe we should get a puppy!
We ran over to Petco that afternoon to pick up a few things and I bought you a peanut butter filled bone, the kind you love. Well, as soon as we got home, I knew you and Padmé would be just fine together as you actually shared your bone with her! All afternoon, that bone went from her mouth to yours and back again over and over and over and over ...
Everyplace you go you have to have an 'obsession spot' and you sure found one! You saw a gray squirrel scampering up a power pole in the corner of the yard and, from that moment, you couldn't leave that place alone. It drove me nuts because you'd always come out with muddy paws.On Friday, we went over to Amy's and, aside from the occasional fixation on her rabbit, you were on your best behavior. Her min-Pin, Turtle, gave you a run for your money ... you weren't real sure what to do about her but you handled it like a proper lady and just retreated to a nice nap near a glass door and let Amy and me get on with our chatting and visiting and catching up. Amy has a new guide dog now, a big, strapping, sleek, Black Lab and, boy, did he like you! And the attraction was mutual!
Later that evening we took Padmé out for a walk because she was balky and stubborn on leash, and Kasey hoped that watching you would teach her. It worked! She walks real well on leash now. Doesn't that make you feel so wonderful when we can help someone?
Our last night there, we went into Flames, a really nice restaurant that you didn't want to be in! You balked, pulled, and trembled! Finally, though, we got your harness off and laid you down out of the way and, after that, you did okay. But when we were all done, you wasted no time getting out. Kasey said dogs can predict earthquakes but, darn it, we didn't get one. So I don't know what your problem was, but you showed admirable restraint when I needed you to and I thank you for that.
So now, our trip is all done. Gone are the cool evenings, and the going in and out as you please, and having someone to play with, and laying out in the yard, and especially being outside alone. Time again for heat, having to ask to go outside, and most of your days spent indoors. But I have a few ideas in my head ... maybe we can remedy a few of those issues. Ya think?
You've had one of the most wonderful weeks a dog ever had! It was back to San Jose to see Travis and Kasey for five whole days and you were in your glory!
A 737 is not exactly your favorite airplane but you did well and, just as I figured, the minute you got on board you wanted to look out the window. As we taxied on the tarmac, I finally satisfied a longtime curiosity about what you'd do if you were looking out the window on actual take-off. With your paws on my lap, you watched with wide eyes as this vehicle you were riding in actually left the ground!! The higher we went, the more your nails dug into my leg and actually left bruises! I don't know whether you were freaked or just awestruck at what you were seeing.
But then you settled in on the floor and slept through most of the rest of the flight. Finally we reached San Jose! A few minutes after we got to Kasey's, you stood by to receive your new play pal, their 11-week-old Great Dane puppy named ... get this ... Paxton's Amidalah Taken By Chance, or just Padmé for short. You've watched Star Wars with Andy & Joe a dozen times or more. Remember Padmé? Well, Padmé took one look at you and yelped, "Holey cow, what the heck is that?!" I think she knew you were a dog but you sure didn't look like anything she had ever seen before! In just a few minutes, though, and were romping and playing together like old buddies. Honest to Pat, you had more exercise and playtime in those five days than you usually get in a month in Phoenix. Maybe we should get a puppy!
We ran over to Petco that afternoon to pick up a few things and I bought you a peanut butter filled bone, the kind you love. Well, as soon as we got home, I knew you and Padmé would be just fine together as you actually shared your bone with her! All afternoon, that bone went from her mouth to yours and back again over and over and over and over ...
Everyplace you go you have to have an 'obsession spot' and you sure found one! You saw a gray squirrel scampering up a power pole in the corner of the yard and, from that moment, you couldn't leave that place alone. It drove me nuts because you'd always come out with muddy paws.On Friday, we went over to Amy's and, aside from the occasional fixation on her rabbit, you were on your best behavior. Her min-Pin, Turtle, gave you a run for your money ... you weren't real sure what to do about her but you handled it like a proper lady and just retreated to a nice nap near a glass door and let Amy and me get on with our chatting and visiting and catching up. Amy has a new guide dog now, a big, strapping, sleek, Black Lab and, boy, did he like you! And the attraction was mutual!
Later that evening we took Padmé out for a walk because she was balky and stubborn on leash, and Kasey hoped that watching you would teach her. It worked! She walks real well on leash now. Doesn't that make you feel so wonderful when we can help someone?
Our last night there, we went into Flames, a really nice restaurant that you didn't want to be in! You balked, pulled, and trembled! Finally, though, we got your harness off and laid you down out of the way and, after that, you did okay. But when we were all done, you wasted no time getting out. Kasey said dogs can predict earthquakes but, darn it, we didn't get one. So I don't know what your problem was, but you showed admirable restraint when I needed you to and I thank you for that.
So now, our trip is all done. Gone are the cool evenings, and the going in and out as you please, and having someone to play with, and laying out in the yard, and especially being outside alone. Time again for heat, having to ask to go outside, and most of your days spent indoors. But I have a few ideas in my head ... maybe we can remedy a few of those issues. Ya think?