LETTERS TO MY SERVICE DOG ... The link to my personal blog, WENDY-LAND, is listed at right.

30 September 2006

I Can't Believe You Did That!

photo re-enactment of Sophie with a shoe in her mouth
Dear Sophie,
It was a good thing I was sitting on the floor this evening because, if I hadn't been, I'd have fallen on it. Everybody already knows your passion for playing outside. "Outside" is the one word which must be avoided at all costs in our house if we have no intentions of going there. But this was a first ... you walked over to my kick-around outdoor shoes, picked one up, and handed it to me! When I accepted it after my eyes popped back in my head, you went over and got the other one for me too! I was always taught dogs didn't reason things out like that. You're one smart cookie, Sophie. You know what you want, and you don't take no for an answer. If you want a yes answer, you'll figure out how to get one. Yes, you got one tonight ... we went outside to play.

16 September 2006

Above and Beyond

photo of Sophie daydreaming
Dear Sophie,
Auntie Ginny has been bugging me to add to your blog more often so guess we'll mention this little item which left me especially impressed. I had this incredible craving for In-N-Out Burgers so Daddy took me out to Avondale because we had to go to Costco anyway. I knew we'd get home a little late but you'd only miss your normal feeding time by half an hour and certainly you could survive that. Well, we got stuck in traffic and it took an hour to get out there! Even though I'm sure you were one hungry dog, you laid down under the table and patiently rested while Daddy and I ate dinner. When he dropped a bit of hamburger on the floor right next to your nose, you left it. When I dropped a french fry, you left it. I was so proud! Then, instead of going home and getting fed, you sweetly walked through Costco with us for another half an hour without a balk or complaint. When we finally got home, even before putting the frozen stuff away, boy did you get fed in a hurry, with a handful of grated cheese on your kibble as a special treat. I know you were just doing your job, Sophie, but more and more you're amazing me with how much you put up with by being a working dog. It's like you really do understand how much I need you.