Las Vegas Glitter Not In Sophie's Eyes

We had some really rough patches the past few days but, all in all, I think it was at least a great learning experience for both of us. I had to learn a lot of lessons the hard way but, somehow, we both managed to survive it.
The noise, flashy lights, traffic, and dense crowds outside had you totally frazzled, while the casino noises, crowds, and loud music had you unnerved inside. Even in the hotel room there were strange noises ... doors slamming, people in the hall, and nearby trains.
My sweet Sophie, I am ever so sorry about the Fremont Street Experience. Had it occurred to me it might scare you, I'd have never taken you out there. I've only once before seen you that royally freaked out in your whole life. Thank goodness for the Golden Nugget being right there to duck into and hide from the evil acrobatic airplanes dive-bombing your pointed little head.

I also learned that there are zero suitable places anywhere near Fremont Street to potty a dog. We improvised at some teeny little rock beds, but it was not fun!
The only time you seemed really comfortable was with your Uncle Tom and Auntie Carol and Puddle. She's a little spitfire she is, isn't she? Lots and lots of fun with her. I guess when you share each others' food, we can consider you buddies.

As always, you made me proud in the airport, airplane, restaurants, and stores where you were totally perfect. That's pretty impressive considering your stress level.
To sum it all up, I learned Las Vegas is not the easiest place to bring a dog, especially in the summer. I had great dreams of taking you to the Vegas Strip, but now I don't see that happening anytime soon, or possibly ever.
As I sit here watching you sleep, I'm picturing you tapping your pink shoes together three times and barking, "There's no place like home."