DC Dog
Dear Sophie,
Our eight days in Washington DC was the longest and most difficult trip you've ever taken in your life, but it may comfort you to know that you'll likely never have to work that hard again.
It really took its toll on both of us. The pace in that district is like living your life on fast-forward and, while it was truly awesome, it not only reminded me why I'm on disability, it reinforced the importance of slowing down and being quiet.
The weather was nuts! One day it'd be shivery cold, and the next unbearably hot. And wouldn't you know it ... record highs many of the days we were there. (sigh)
The Smithsonian museums were amazing! The National Zoo is part of it, and that's where we spent the first day, oooing and aahing over the red pandas, the first ones I ever saw for real!
You didn't seem interested in them, though, nor they in you. Your moment came at the meerkat and shrew enclosures where you stood eye to eye with them for the longest time!
The exhibits at the Museum Of Natural History, the Museum of American History, and the Air & Space Museum didn't interest you at all. You were more concerned with getting me safely through the crowds and keeping me steady on my feet and I sure do thank you for that. Even at the dinosaur section which was totally mobbed you never once faltered.
To keep you from being too stressed I generally cut you some slack when you're traveling, so I allowed you to make many new friends. Children by the dozens asked to pet you ... that's right ... they asked first!! There were some rude adults who reached out and distracted you but it was the children who got it right! I always thank them for asking so the message might go even further.
Wednesday was a day of much-needed rest and relaxation in West Hyattsville, visiting the places where Mike/Daddy grew up ... his old house, school, church, and then out to the little creek he used to play at. In the evening, what fun we had with the Irish Rovers!
After a fabulous concert with the best seats we've ever had, it was time for your usual hugs and cuddles with George and oh how you loved that! And hopefully you won't have to wait another year or longer for any more ... they're supposed to tour the West coast this fall!
Then on Thursday you started all over again working like a dog. More museums, Arlington National Cemetery, hopping from one bus or trolley to another, and even paying your respects to a former US President.
I think the place you were most valuable out of any of them was the subway. They sure don't keep it well-lit and with my degrees of shading I could hardly see a thing. You maneuvered me all over the stations, elevators, and platforms, and kept me safe from falling and walking into things.
Even the loud rumbles, speeding trains, and some really weird smells didn't distract you. You were all business!
It had been a 4-1/2 hour flight to DC, a week of intense stress, and a 5 hour flight back to Phoenix so it was no wonder your tummy troubles kicked up into high gear, but wow, Sophie, you waited till we got home before allowing yourself to crumble. That's amazing to me. And it didn't matter how tired or crampy you were when you finally got back to your own back yard ... you ran circles and circles and circles, turned around and ran more circles the other way, and the minute our back was turned you dug a hole in your favorite spot. It wouldn't have been nearly as funny if it hadn't been raining ... oh, the mud!!
So thanks, Big Girl, for all you did for me all week. You're amazing, and so very much loved and appreciated.

It really took its toll on both of us. The pace in that district is like living your life on fast-forward and, while it was truly awesome, it not only reminded me why I'm on disability, it reinforced the importance of slowing down and being quiet.
The weather was nuts! One day it'd be shivery cold, and the next unbearably hot. And wouldn't you know it ... record highs many of the days we were there. (sigh)

The exhibits at the Museum Of Natural History, the Museum of American History, and the Air & Space Museum didn't interest you at all. You were more concerned with getting me safely through the crowds and keeping me steady on my feet and I sure do thank you for that. Even at the dinosaur section which was totally mobbed you never once faltered.

To keep you from being too stressed I generally cut you some slack when you're traveling, so I allowed you to make many new friends. Children by the dozens asked to pet you ... that's right ... they asked first!! There were some rude adults who reached out and distracted you but it was the children who got it right! I always thank them for asking so the message might go even further.
Wednesday was a day of much-needed rest and relaxation in West Hyattsville, visiting the places where Mike/Daddy grew up ... his old house, school, church, and then out to the little creek he used to play at. In the evening, what fun we had with the Irish Rovers!

It had been a 4-1/2 hour flight to DC, a week of intense stress, and a 5 hour flight back to Phoenix so it was no wonder your tummy troubles kicked up into high gear, but wow, Sophie, you waited till we got home before allowing yourself to crumble. That's amazing to me. And it didn't matter how tired or crampy you were when you finally got back to your own back yard ... you ran circles and circles and circles, turned around and ran more circles the other way, and the minute our back was turned you dug a hole in your favorite spot. It wouldn't have been nearly as funny if it hadn't been raining ... oh, the mud!!
So thanks, Big Girl, for all you did for me all week. You're amazing, and so very much loved and appreciated.
At 17:28,
Joyce said…
Thanks for sending me the latest news. All your travels and experiences with Sophie are going to make a great book!!!
At 17:29,
Amy J said…
cute, thanks!
At 17:30,
Mary said…
Great post and what a wonderful trip. Washington sounds like a very busy place indeed. And Sophie, what an amazing dog! You are so lucky to have her!
At 17:30,
CJ said…
What a neat trip- thanks for sharing. Sophie looks great and I hope that you are both enjoying this brief spell of beautiful weather. Have a good day.
At 17:32,
Becky said…
I loved reading about your trip. Sophie is amazing. D.C. is crazy. She truly is a blessing from God. Good job Miss Sophie.
At 17:55,
Rita said…
We always love to read your stories about Sophie. Thank you for keeping us in your "link".
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