Carried You Back To Ol' Virginny
Dear Sophie,
{{First of all, allow me to correct the last post. While recording the flights to Tennessee, I discovered a counting error. You actually did make your 40th flight before your birthday!}}
This has been one incredible summer so far. With flights 42 and 43, you braved another family reunion in Virginia. Flights into Charlotte, NC are always stuffed full and aren't a whole lot of fun for you, but you were as gracious about your lack of floor space as our rowmates were about surrendering some of theirs, so we managed.

Our four days at Cousin Jim's house were so delightful! You and D.J. got along so well, sharing your food and treats, and playing and running together in the ginormous back yard! You just never seemed to run out of things to sniff.
And then came the reunion on Saturday. I promised you it'd be so much better this year with no more Civil War re-enactments or cannons or booms or crashes. Well, sweetheart, we didn't bank on the massive, half-hour long, late-morning thunderstorm to start the day, which had you wiggling out of your nylon harness and then your leather harness! I can't believe you actually got out of both of those! Finally I got you settled down as the storm passed but, within an hour or so ... you guessed it ... there went the cannons again for another war re-enactment elsewhere in the park.
You poor baby ... you just couldn't win ... until the arrival of Cousin Kevin and his family. His girls immediately took to you, likely because they have a Golden of their own, and they kept you occupied and walked and played with, and I got you back at the end of the day. As dearly as you love children, I think that made your whole day!
Thank you, Hannah and Chesnee.

The minute you got back to Jim's that evening, no one saw a move out of you as you curled up and slept away all the stresses of the day.
On the flights home, you were every bit as cramped as you had been Eastbound but, again, you handled it all with your usual grace, even though one of the flights was unbearably hot and stuffy.
So it'll be another year before we do it all again. No more promises of peace and quiet, but we'll think good thoughts, and I'll try to think of new ways to be more prepared just in case.
{{First of all, allow me to correct the last post. While recording the flights to Tennessee, I discovered a counting error. You actually did make your 40th flight before your birthday!}}
This has been one incredible summer so far. With flights 42 and 43, you braved another family reunion in Virginia. Flights into Charlotte, NC are always stuffed full and aren't a whole lot of fun for you, but you were as gracious about your lack of floor space as our rowmates were about surrendering some of theirs, so we managed.

Our four days at Cousin Jim's house were so delightful! You and D.J. got along so well, sharing your food and treats, and playing and running together in the ginormous back yard! You just never seemed to run out of things to sniff.

And then came the reunion on Saturday. I promised you it'd be so much better this year with no more Civil War re-enactments or cannons or booms or crashes. Well, sweetheart, we didn't bank on the massive, half-hour long, late-morning thunderstorm to start the day, which had you wiggling out of your nylon harness and then your leather harness! I can't believe you actually got out of both of those! Finally I got you settled down as the storm passed but, within an hour or so ... you guessed it ... there went the cannons again for another war re-enactment elsewhere in the park.

The minute you got back to Jim's that evening, no one saw a move out of you as you curled up and slept away all the stresses of the day.
On the flights home, you were every bit as cramped as you had been Eastbound but, again, you handled it all with your usual grace, even though one of the flights was unbearably hot and stuffy.
So it'll be another year before we do it all again. No more promises of peace and quiet, but we'll think good thoughts, and I'll try to think of new ways to be more prepared just in case.
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