Sophie's Five!

You're five already? Where did the past year go? Seems like it just started! It was a full and mostly happy year, though, wasn't it? You've learned so much and matured even more.
Your noteworthy "firsts" this year included your first puppy love affair with Amy's guide dog Ramsey, a geocaching adventure in bear country, your first traffic accident, and a live snowfall! And here's quite an accomplishment ... you racked up your thirtieth airplane flight! Think we can hit forty by the time you're six? This next year we're going to be working on a new project ... working with students and airlines to develop a teaching program on air travel with a service dog. Only once in 31 flights has a flight attendant had the faintest idea of what I should do with you in case of an emergency, specifically, a slide evacuation. I'm hoping we can help other service/guide dog teams by bringing awareness of proper procedures. Meanwhile, I'm still working on getting my paper on the subject available online and linked in this blog.
Sophie, my sweet little helper, thank you for another year of making my life so much easier and safer. I hope you know how much you're loved and appreciated, and how very precious you are to me. Happy Birthday, Big Girl!
At 18:50,
Anonymous said…
Happy Birthday Sophie!!!!
At 20:26,
Kasey said…
Happy happy birthday, Sophie girl! Five years old ... aren't you special?!?
At 13:16,
Judy said…
Good morning Wendy, and thnx for sharing. You and Sophie are really making a positive difference!!
At 13:17,
Kasey said…
Five years old is a bit of a bench mark for doggies. No longer are
they "young adults." They've officially graduated to "mature adult." Sophie's officially "mature!" Woo hoo!
At 13:18,
Kathe said…
boy can't believe Sophie is 5 already!!!!!
At 13:19,
rkr said…
I'll be sure that Wendi "reads" Sophie's birthday blog. thanks for continuing to share your news with us and keeping in touch.
Coco, to date, has never gone on the when if she does - we will need a lot of hurry up and get your info "on line".....
At 16:15,
Anonymous said…
I am so happy I found your blog - I too intend to train a dog to be a service dog for me. Balance issues along with falling and passing out. You have given me a great idea for documenting our success...
Thank you...Susan
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