
I hesitate to call what we did "teaching" but we had a fun time talking about all our experiences in the air, didn't we? We've racked up 27 flights together now, so it was such a privilege to share our ventures with at least twelve budding service dogs and their high school student puppy raisers.
A good many of them are taking their dogs on vacation with them this summer and, if they're flying, it's important to do it right. I never really thought about publishing my paper I wrote about "Air Travel With Your Service Dog" on your blog but maybe it'd be a good idea so others can read it too.
I was so proud of you today! In such a whirlwind of distractions you laid quietly and cooperatively, and you even let me bounce you around to show the proper way to do a slide evacuation in the event of an emergency.
Goodness knows I'm not much of a speaker and certainly not a teacher, but it was fun sharing with such nice young people and I hope we get to do it again sometime.
After such a busy couple of hours, you weren't done yet. Taking Grandma out to lunch and then grocery shopping, you were patient and perfect, and you took care of me even as I faltered from heat and fatigue. Thanks, big girl. You'll get a tummy rub and foot massage tonight ... you earned it!
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