You've Got To Get One Of These!
Dear Sophie,
I hope you don't mind terribly if I use your blog as a site to write up a commercial, but I know you're a happier dog because of the Furminator, so you'll want all your friends to have one too.
Despite my sister's hearty recommendations, with dog grooming tools I was fairly happy with I saw no reason to add anything. I had a flat slicker brush, a comb, and a deshedding tool. "I didn't need no stinkin' Furminator."
I humbly and absolutely stand corrected! A couple of times a day before going out, running a brush over Sophie netted very little so, naturally, I assumed she was hanging onto her coat because of the cooler weather. This is all I had collected out of her brush for six days (left)
(yes, I save all the hair I brush out of her; just a silly thing I do). And this is what came of ONE grooming session with a Furminator (right) Unbelievable! And I wouldn't have believed it if I hadn't seen it myself.
Yeah, they're a little on the pricey side but, after using that thing just once, I immediately went out and bought one. It's worth it! And they work wonders on short-haired dogs too. It's amazing what this thing can do. This is one time when the product does exactly what it says it'll do. Sophie and I highly recommend it!
One Week Later ... Just a week after being thoroughly Furminated, here's what we came up with when we used it again
Unbelievable, but true! Now that Sophie has been well-deshedded, we'll only need to use it every three or four weeks, along with her spring-toothed rake, her mat-splitter, and her comb. Sadly, it took me four and a half years to learn to properly groom my long-haired dog, but this is a fortunate example of better late than never.
I hope you don't mind terribly if I use your blog as a site to write up a commercial, but I know you're a happier dog because of the Furminator, so you'll want all your friends to have one too.
Despite my sister's hearty recommendations, with dog grooming tools I was fairly happy with I saw no reason to add anything. I had a flat slicker brush, a comb, and a deshedding tool. "I didn't need no stinkin' Furminator."
I humbly and absolutely stand corrected! A couple of times a day before going out, running a brush over Sophie netted very little so, naturally, I assumed she was hanging onto her coat because of the cooler weather. This is all I had collected out of her brush for six days (left)

Yeah, they're a little on the pricey side but, after using that thing just once, I immediately went out and bought one. It's worth it! And they work wonders on short-haired dogs too. It's amazing what this thing can do. This is one time when the product does exactly what it says it'll do. Sophie and I highly recommend it!
One Week Later ... Just a week after being thoroughly Furminated, here's what we came up with when we used it again

At 19:43,
Anonymous said…
Wow! That Furminator got lots of stuff out of her. Maybe this is what I should ask for this year at Christmas!
At 12:33,
wheels said…
After reading this blog, I did a bunch of research into what makes a furminator and found that it's just a #10 Electric Shaver blade with a nice handle. I also researched similar products and compared the blades and they are the same. So, I went to Target and bought a furbuster. The only difference is the handle and it cost less than half of a furminator. It also has easily replaceable blades. One handle can be used with any of the available sized blades. I used it last night and it did a very nice job of removing Buffy's loose hairs. In only 10min, I had a grocery bag full of mini Buffy's.
At 15:13,
Anonymous said…
I've seen advertisements for the Furminator and recommended it to a colleague. I'm not sure if he ever invested in one, but I know they do the trick!
Boy, hearing you list all the different grooming tools you use makes me sooo glad to have a single-coated, short-haired dog! Our grooming routine? A bath, then drying off with a towel. Voila ... she's groomed (except for nails and teeth, of course)! From past experience with Danes, the only thing I'll need to do with her coat is to use a rubber curry comb during the two times a year when she sheds.
At 14:29,
Anonymous said…
Dear Sophie and Wendy, It was so sweet and wonderful to meet you both at the San Jose Airport at the beginning of December. You made my afternoon when we took a walk outside for Sophie to do her duty. I had been sitting in the airport for 3.5 hours, working on my laptop, and was so grateful when I said hi to you, that I walked with you, and that we went out into the sunshine. You two are wonderful and your blog is cool! I've had your card sitting on my desk all this time, but got so busy during the holidays. I've been thinking about you so much and finally have time to sit and write to you. Perhaps I'll see you both again sometime. I wish you a 2009 that is so fine!
Blessings, Michelle
At 15:17,
Anonymous said…
It was lovely having a bit of company that day, wasn't it? I really enjoyed it too. Sorry I didn't get to say goodbye; when I got back from checking out that book reader, nothing and no one looked familiar and I couldn't find you. Glad you enjoyed the blog. I'm ashamed of myself for getting behind in my posting. If you'd like to be added to the update list for an e-mail when the blog gets updated, just leave a comment with your e-mail address in it. No one else will see it, because all the comments are filtered and approved by me first, so I just won't post it for the world to see. Have a great year ahead, and thanks for being so kind!
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